This Boomers Life.

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Maybe Gladys Berejiklian, Premier of NSW, should be given a knighthood for her management of COVID-19?

I can hear a loud noooooooooo from some. But hear me out. We have seen big investments in the health system to handle the pandemic, open borders, open businesses, limited and tightly targeted lockdowns and related restrictions on our freedoms - a traditional John Locke approach to liberalism for sure.

They are noteworthy, particularly when compared to the lazier and chaotic approaches adopted by a number of other States - at home and globally.

Sure, there have been missteps -the Ruby Princess and the untold misery it caused for many families, for one.

Still, she can beheaded for a litany of other crimes but a knighthood first for her handling of COVID-19 might just be in order…