Gladys, maybe it is time to give our Kevin a call?


Who can forget Kevin Rudd’s famous line from the launch of the ALP campaign for the 2007 federal election: ‘My name's Kevin, I'm from Queensland and I'm here to help.’

More recently of course, Kevin got onto the blower to the head of Pfizer to request more Pfizer vaccines for Australia, much to the annoyance of our PM, who should have done this first.


A cry for help rejected.

Unfortunately, Glady’s cry for more Pfizer vaccines from within our hermit Kingdom has been ignored or rejected. The response from the man who has been labelled as the ‘Prime Minister for NSW’, was no! - except for a lazy 50,000 or so doses he had hidden in his bottom draw.

Mansplaining, keeping the pubs open and sending in the military but no Pfizer.

The Premier of Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk, has been mute on the request, possibly because she has been preoccupied with taking the political knife to John Coates, the head of Australia’s Olympic Committee, for his obnoxious mansplaining of her, made worse by the fact it was in front of the world’s media. You will recall that Coates lectured the Premier and ‘ordered’ her to attend the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. Palaszczuk had previously said she wouldn't be attending the ceremony. Odious indeed. And back to the thread of the blog, no help offered to NSW.

The response from the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, who seems to have recovered from his politically related PTSD (see earlier blog) that was easily activated by the mere thought of a ‘lockdown’, was priceless: “It’s not my job to get the pubs open in NSW.” The response from the Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, was no doubt to vulgar to quote in a sordid blog such as this one, but he did suggest sending in the military: “Whether it's getting the ADF out there to assist, soldiers, airmen, sailors, whatever it might take”, presumably to shoot any Sydneysider seen exercising anywhere near Bondi Beach.

Calling Joe Biden… calling Joe Biden…


Gladys, what other option do we have? Kevin may be a Queenslander, but he just loves sticking it to our PM, so go on and give him a call. Get him working for you. It might be best if Kevin does not call the head of Pfizer again, given that this would really get up the nose of the PM, but he could certainly call Joe Biden, the US President and one of our closest allies. We do have a special relationship after all! The President is throwing around surplus vaccines like rainbow confetti at a gay wedding. No doubt he loves Sydney. Having recently met our less than impressive PM, he would acutely understand the problem and take pity on us for our multiple misfortunes.


Lockdown fetishists, disco fever, and learning to live with Covid-19 today.


Anti-vaxxers may be loud and annoying but they are having little success with us Boomers, the age group on the frontline of this pandemic.